At the first sign of light as neighbours and others assembled to commiserate with him he was already strapping his five-gallon demijohn to his bicycle carrier and his wife, sweating in the open fire, was turning over akara balls in a wide clay bowl of boiling oil.
At the first sign of light as neighbours and others assembled to commiserate with him he was already strapping his five-gallon demijohn to his bicycle carrier and his wife, sweating in the open fire, was turning over akara balls in a wide clay bowl of boiling oil.
I'm not the best with these, but I'd say It's D. (I'd wait till others answer this. I'm not very good with these.)
I would say the two strategies the speaker uses to develop the point that people who voluntour often have selfish motivations are examples and repetition. <u>The correct answer is: A and C.</u>
In this text, the speaker tries to show the reader why voluntouring is not as good as one can imagine by giving examples of what really happens in the places that are offered in this program. The speaker says that often those places are kept in those poor conditions on purpose to attract tourism and, not only that, but people also pay big amounts of money just to appear to be committed with a humanitarian cause, when they are not really into it and give examples such as taking selfies, or volunteering to build a school when they don't really have any skills to do it.
Along the text, the author repeats in almost every paragraph that there are a lot and better ways to really help others if that is your true motive. And gives a lot of ideas to do it. So I think the repetition is the other strategy used by the speaker.
it's a strong defense against enemies. In his ¨Four Freedoms¨ speech, Roosevelt hopes for certain changes in the nation's social and economic systems.