Answer:King Hrothgar, the ruler of the Danes, is troubled by the rampages of a demon named Grendel. ... Choosing to fight Grendel in hand-to-hand combat, Beowulf wrestles the demon into submission and eventually tears off his arm at the shoulder. Mortally wounded, Grendel flees into the wilderness and dies.
Jordan’s topic is acceptable, but it is not in the correct format.
Jordan's task is to write a narrative essay about a significant experience with a family member that has shaped his identity. A narrative essay is an essay written in the form of a story, often about a personal experience. While Jordan chose an acceptable topic (Andre is his cousin, which means that he is a member of Jordan's family, and he significantly influenced him), the format he chose is wrong. A letter isn't an example of a narrative essay, which is why Jordan should use a different format.
1) One difference is that, in the poem, Paul Revere rode by himself. In reality, he rode with a guy named William Dawes and another guy named Samuel Prescott. Another difference is that, in the poem, the events happened on April 18th. In reality, they happened on April 16th.
2) He made Revere a symbol of all the values that were (and still are) important to the country, such as liberty, individuality, freedom, and patriotism.
<span>3) Throughout the poem, he treats Paul Revere as if he was more than just a messenger riding around on a horse yelling out warnings to all the neighbors in town. He is called "a voice in the darkness", which gives a very serious tone to the poem and reminds the reader that this man was doing something very special and important. Also, the poem starts out, "Listen, my children, and you shall hear", and this phrase sounds more formal and serious than, "Hey kids, want to hear a good story?" </span>
Narrative structure is C), the way in which a story is organized.
I love to take my dogs to the park. I make sure to bring fresh water, their leashes, and extra treats whenever we go. My dogs are a lot bigger than most dogs, so I have to make sure the park is not too crowded when we go. My dogs get really excited when they see other dogs, and they bark so loud. Sometimes people get worried when they hear my dogs bark, but they are really friendly and just want to play. After a long walk to the park, my dogs usually sleep for an hour.