Gregor was quite confused of how he changed in the dream therefore he was heavily affected by it and soon came to past. He felt sad when the raindrops pittered and pattered on the window pane which indeed matched his mood of how he was. But when his mother asked him if he wanted to go somewhere he replied in a forced but uncertain tone. Henceforth he felt partially full because of the meaning of how it had happened.
Henry argues that all colonists must act against the British Empire and attack it to ensure America's freedom and prosperity.
We can arrive at this answer because:
- Henry's speech was made to persuade the colonists to fight the British Empire.
- He claims that the British Empire has acted with violence and tyranny, harming and oppressing the settlers.
- To support these claims, Henry uses concrete and well-established evidence that reinforces his argument and makes the speech efficient.
- Henry does not use false statements, but is based on facts that can be confirmed by everyone.
Henry's speech can be an example of speech that can truly persuade without using fallacies or misleading sentences.
More information about Henry's speech at the link:
Answer: in my soccer team we communicated well and put our efforts to win a game
"The man ignored us and pressed on steadily."
By narrating from a first person point of view, the reader can experience the story as if he was in the narrator's shoes. In this type of point of view, the narrator refers to him or herself, therefore "I", "me", "my", "mine", "we", or "us", is used. This is characteristic of autobiographies for example, where we know the narrator's feeelings and thoughts from first hand. The other characters' feelings or thoughts can only be interpreted by the narrator but not known completely.
In this case the narrator uses us, which means he is the one telling the story from his/her perspective.
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