at 13 years of age in both boys and girls they start going through slight changes in the body and in the brain. most/all teens are just angry dwarfs and that explains the rebelling and the smart mouth
Observation learning was a theory that was proposed by Alert Bandura. It was social learning theory. Albert Bandura experimented on Bobo Doll. It was a famous experiment. In this experiment, it is shown that how observation or imitation affects children's behavior.
Modeling was one of the parts of observational learning theory. Through modeling, a student can learn a behavior. For instance, if most of the children imitate their parents as they behave, children start performing the same behavior. Thus behavior was the result of modeling observation of teacher behavior with Ricky on his performance in class.
Again following the 2007 democracy movement in Nepal, Interim Constitution was promulgated in 2007. This constitution was promulgated on 15 January 2007. It consisted of 25 parts, 167 articles and 4 schedules.
since speed was its main goal, the Pony Express went to great lengths to keep its horses' loads as light as possible. Rather than burly cowboys, most of the riders were small, wiry men who weighed between 100 and 125 pounds—roughly the same size as a modern horseracing jockey.