Escuche a un alumno explicar el proceso de reciclaje. Coloque las instrucciones (a-g) en el orden correcto (1-7).
A. Desde el centro de reciclaje, los materiales reciclados van a las fábricas, donde los utilizan para fabricar nuevos productos.
B. Lo primero que debe hacer es asegurarse de separar correctamente la basura en casa.
C. Luego, compras los productos elaborados con materiales reciclados.
D. continuación, la empresa de reciclaje vacía los contenedores y lo lleva todo a un centro de reciclaje ...
E. Finalmente, el proceso comienza de nuevo: su basura se puede reciclar con frecuencia ..
F. La segunda cosa que debe hacer es poner la basura separada en los contenedores de reciclaje adecuados para su recolección.
G. Después de eso, los nuevos productos van a las tiendas.
That he is a very important character and that he makes a bold statement.
The American burying beetle is an insect that plays an extremely important role in the ecosystem of the eastern United States. The beetle is also well-known for being included in the book <em>Hope for Animals and Their World</em> by Jane Goodall. In this book, Jane Goodall shares her enthusiasm for this little animal. Goodall is not only enthusiastic about the animal due to its importance. She also discusses how conservation efforts have helped the once dramatically threatened beetle population.
Lou Perrotti (director of conservation programs at the Roger Williams Park Zoo in Providence, Rhode Island) and Jack Mulvena (executive director of the Rhode Island Zoological Society and Roger Williams Park Zoo) were both instrumental in helping the beetle population recover. Goodall conveys the importance of this story, as well as the importance of the beetle, by using several rhetoric devices, such as logos (argument from logic) and pathos (argument from emotion).
The last option d true love and class differences
I believe that there are mostly advantages when it comes to this. Some advantages include higher household wages because a family where both parents (assuming a heterosexual relationship) are in the workforce, the household would be much more successful than if one parent was depending on the other. There are economic advantages, more people in the workforce, lower unemployment rate, higher productivity within citizens overall. We live in a world that is consistently advancing technologically, AI generated housekeeper robots may be something that may come sooner than we think. I have a robot that sweeps my floor and can be programmed to clean only on the hours that I am asleep. In a family, everyone should clean up after themself and do their part to maintain a nice and neat household. It is the responsibility of everybody that lives in the house not just the woman (if there even is a woman, because same sex relationships and single men exist).