the fat woman. Then he seized all the stamps and began to register
the Savings Bank.
post some letters. He was very surprised to see such extraordinary
At that moment Pedro entered the Post Office. I finished of
situation. He had a bottle of wine in his hand and with this bottle he hit
the first thief in the head. Immediately it fell to the ground.
The others held the second thief, and after a while he was tied up.
they told Peter of his courageous action. Emilia approached smiling
of feet and hands. They returned everything the thief had stolen and agreed
With Pedro.
--Thank you.
in order to
police to take thieves to jail.
"You're welcome," replied Pedro. -I was terrified. But here it is
1. Se lo recomendó Rosalía.
2. Se los sirvió el dueño.
3. Se los trajo el camarero.
4. Se lo preguntó al camarero.
5. Se las pidió Tito.
6. Se lo pidió Celia.
7. Se la repitió el camarero.
8. Se las dió al dueño.
You must answer these questions:
1. Who recommended the restaurant to Celia?
2. Who served the appetizers to Celia and Tito?
3. Who brought the menus to Celia and Tito?
4. Who did Celia ask for the price of lobster?
5. Who asked the waiter for lobsters?
6. Who asked the waiter for a red wine?
7. Who repeated the dessert list to Celia?
8. Who did Tito thank when they left?
Present / Preterite / Imperfect:1. o, as, a, amos, an2. o, es, e, emos, en3. o, es, e, imos, en4. é, aste, ó, amos, aron5. í, is
krek1111 [17]
what are you asking here? if its for correctness then the answer is no
your missing ais , eis, iamos , abais, iais
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