the song is written in old english but it sounds like an old love song. here is why:
<em>"Maxwellton braes are bonnie,</em>
<em>Where early fa's the dew,</em>
<em>And 'twas there that Annie Laurie</em>
<em>Gave me her promise true.</em>
<em>Gave me her promise true,</em>
<em>Which ne'er forgot will be,</em>
<em>And for bonnie Annie Laurie,</em>
<em>I lay me doon and dee."</em>
<u>this verse talks about a relationship.</u>
<em>"Her brow is like the snowdrift,</em>
<em>Her throat is like a swan,</em>
<em>Her face it is the fairest</em>
<em>That e'er the sun shone on.</em>
<em>That e'er the sun shone on,</em>
<em>And dark blue is her ee,</em>
<em>And for bonnie Annie Laurie</em>
<em>I lay me doon and dee."</em>
<u>the second verse is basically compliments to someone.</u>
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<u>And</u><em> "And she's a' the world to me" </em><u><em>In new english is "and she's the world to me."</em></u>
But please do not come after me for a relationship because I am already engaged to my fiance and i would never leave her side.