A mixed market economy is best defined as, A with some government intervention. Most Western countries have mixed market economies. China is building thiers now. Mixed market economies differ from centrally planned economies as seen with communist nations.
1. Warsaw Pact
3. United Nations
4. United States Department of Defense
5. Marshall Plan
6. S.E.A.T.O.
7. C.I.A.
Answer: (3) reward loyal political supporters.
The term "spoils system" was used by President Jackson's political opponents, who took a very negative view of his practice of rewarding political supporters with government jobs. The origin of the term, however, came from one of Jackson's supporters. In a speech in the Senate, defending Jackson and his administration, Senator William Marcy of New York said, "To the victors belong the spoils."
Jackson's opponents bristled at that thought and continued to speak against what became known as "the spoils system."
Question: What country north of China is closest to the huang he river?
Answer: Mongolia