Based on the given sentence, it is narrated that the female is a different breed from most other females as she does not act in a politically correct way as others do.
She laughed inappropriately when the stranger's phone was found and Ray thought it was sad because he thought she was vulgar.
The excerpt uses explicit details in the following way: it provides a <u>physical description</u> of Sarah Penn (small woman, short waist, gray hair, mild forehead, downward lines about her nose and mouth). All of it is explicit, since there is no room for interpretation, it is what it is. In other words, such details are concrete ones, since they are physical and nothing else.
As for implicit details, we can find them in a figure of speech (a <u>hypallage</u>, which uses an adjective or participle to describe a noun other than the person or thing it is in fact describing): we learn Sarah Penn's forehead was benevolent, that is, it showed her benevolence (an implicit detail, since it was Sarah, and not her forehead, that was benevolent). It is a trait which implicitly tells something about the character's personality. There is also the description of <u>meek downward lines</u> about her nose and mouth. Again, a hypallage which implicitly tells us something about the character: it is Sarah who is gentle and humble, and not the lines about her nose and mouth.
The correct option is A. Cover letter should expand on the information is a résumé, not simply restate it.
A cover letter is a single-page letter written to the person or organisation offering the job you're applying for. A well-written cover letter should introduce you and encourage the person reading it to read your resume. A cover letter should be personalized and demonstrate that the applicant has done his or her research on the company.