La sociedad ateniense de la época clásica viene determinada por la división entre hombres libres y esclavos, a pesar del sistema democrático vigente. Se considera que de los 500.000 habitantes de la península Ática, sólo 40.000 eran ciudadanos libres.
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A tribute empire is a collection of conquered or surrendered lands that give a ruling tribe or country tribute, or stuff that the conqueror asks for, for instance gold, women and cows.
Its actually VERY likely. I may be wrong, but My research doesn't say so :D<span />
The Navigation Acts were series of Parliament laws passed to control the trade of England colonies.The original laws were enacted as a response to the success of Dutch shipping.
The course of World War II, leading up to the end of 1940, was an
expansion of territory by the country of Germany. Germany was
beginning to invade its neighboring countries.