I've got task manager open right now; it shows you
- Applications
- Processes
- Services
- Performance
- Networking
- Users
(In that order)
C. control unit.
A processor is a miniaturized central processing unit a in digital system that interconnects and controls the activities of other components in the device.
The components of a microprocessor are the bus, registers, cache memory, arithmetic and logical unit and the central or control unit.
The bus is the transportation medium for all activities in the processor. The registers like the accumulator and the B register are memory locations used to hold the operand of an operation.The cache memory holds data meant for immediate use by the processor. Arithmetic and logical unit carries out the various arithmetic and logical operation in the processor, while the control unit is responsible for handling or managing all activities in the processor.
Answer: i think 1, 3, and 4
In computer science, abstraction has a similar definition. It is a simplified version of something technical, such as a function or an object in a program. The goal of "abstracting" data is to reduce complexity by removing unnecessary information. At some level, we all think of computers in abstract terms.