1. Pack a first aid kit, Water, and snacks
2. Try looking at the map, read the riddle, and think about the placethat they are talking about!
3. I say don't worry about "WHERE?" the adventure it's self is the mystery.
Fertility rates and resources are connected because in areas where there are scarce resources and high fertility rates there will be problems in the ability to provide for the members of this hypothetical society. Therefore, individuals or animals could potentially live shorter and less healthy lives because of the lack of proper resources such as food, water, healthcare, or education.
Global water supply is currently a troubling issue. The world's population size is steadily increasing, without the increase in water supply, leaving many to fear an impending shortage.
Freshwater is not evenly distributed across the globe and desalination of water is one solution put forth, but it also comes with its own challenges such as: being very expensive, requiring large amounts of energy, harsh impact on marine life, water being a commodity controlled by large corporations, and emissions having a harsh effect on environments.
It occurs at the equator mostly
Because of his achievements to prevent hunger, famine and misery around the world," The World Food Prize writes on its website, "it is said that Dr. Borlaug has 'saved more lives than any other person who has ever lived