The answers are: The cook always cleans the kitchen. The cook never roasts the chicken. The cook usually boils eggs. The cook rarely shops for groceries. The cook sometimes bakes bread.
In the English language, the Present Simple Tense is used to express actions that are part of the routine. Moreover, in this, it is common to use adverbs of frequency such as always, usually, sometimes, occasionally, etc. that show how often an action occurs. Also, the structure used is subject (agent of the action) + adverb of frequency (although some can be placed at the beginning of the sentence) + verb + other words that complete the idea.
According to this, the sentences below are all grammatically correct and describe the actions in the chart; considering the subject (the cooker) is followed by an adverb of frequency, then the main verb ending in -s or -es as this is the correct verb form for present simple, and other words that complete the sentence.
-The cook always cleans the kitchen (This action occurs every day and therefore the adverb of frequency "always" that means 100% of the times is appropriate)
-The cook never roasts the chicken (This action is not part of the routine of the cooker and therefore the use of "never" is appropriate)
- The cook usually boils eggs (This action occurs 5 out of 7 days and therefore it is "usual")
-The cook rarely shops for groceries (This action occurs only on Monday and therefore the use of "rarely" is appropriate)
-The cook sometimes bakes bread (This action occurs 4 days during the week, and therefore the use of "sometimes" is correct as this shows the action occurs only some days)