~ Tension is how much the reader care's about your characters. If the reader doesn't like your characters, enjoy spending time with them, or care what happens to them, that's what editors call, "Lacks Tension." Believe me. I've had enough return letters to prove it.
Suspense is how much readers care what will happen next? If you keep them guessing, that's suspense.
B. 160
Ground pork should always be cooked at 160 degrees Fahrenheit
A stimulus check is a check sent to a taxpayer by the U.S. government. Stimulus checks are intended to stimulate the economy by providing consumers with some spending money. Taxpayers receive this money because it's intended to boost consumption and drive revenue at retailers and manufacturers, spurring the economy.
The mood is unsettling and suspenseful. The words "unfamiliar, concerned, unusually, and heavy" help set the mood to this.