In one sentence, state how you are or your personality. Remember to use the verb ser and an adjective. (e.g., I am attractive.)
2 answers:
Answer for the first one: Cepillo mis dientes en la mañana.
Second one: Me peino con mi cepillo.
Third one : Decido si usaré una camisa roja o azúl.
Hope this helps .
Decido que color de camisa voy a usar
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Es mejor tener dinero en efectivo y las tarjeta de crédito.
I hope this helped let me know :)
It means to say in your own words I think.
The Correct term would be Gusta, as you are referring to yourself.
What do you need to know exactly? What is exactly the question?
Be more specific so I can help you out! :)
Ellos bailaron juntos toda la noche