It will completely stop the enzyme's activity when the denaturization is complete.
Insertion and deletion point mutations alter the reading frame from the point of mutation to the end of the gene.
<h3>What is a polypeptide?</h3>
Polypeptide: A peptide consisting of 2 or more amino acids. Amino acids make up polypeptides which, in turn, make up proteins.
<h3>Are polypeptides a protein?</h3>
Proteins are therefore also known as polypeptides.
Each type of protein has a unique sequence of amino acids, exactly the same from one molecule to the next. Many thousands of different proteins are known, each with its own particular amino acid sequence.
Learn more about polypeptide here:
<h3></h3><h3 /><h3>#SPJ4</h3>
it is poisonous or harmful to the human body
TritionalshiftsofEscherichiacoliB/rtorichermediahavebeenanalyzedinsynchronouslygrowingandexponential-phasepopulations.Earlyperturbationsinthetimingofcelldivisionwereobserved.Attheslowgrowth,divisionpro-gressedatarateequaltoorlessthanthepreshiftrateforabout1h.Atintermediategrowth,bothdelaysandaccelerationindivisionwereobserved.Theextentoftheperturbationdependedupontheageofthecellsatthetimeoftheshiftandthecompositionofthepreshiftandpostshiftmedia.TheperturbationwasdifferentinthetwosubstrainsofE.coliB/r I got this from hopefully it helps you