The chart very nicely lays out the amino acid each codon corresponds to. You're looking for "trp" in the chart, which only appears once, beside the UGG codon. Therefore, only one codon codes for tryptophan.
If I have a batch of pea plants with purple flowers that I grew by crossing plants that had purple flowers (PP) with plants that had white flowers (pp), purple flowers (dominant) will be expressed in this batch of pea plants.
A child would be born with birth defects
16 pg at the end of S
16 pg at the end of G2
A cell has 8 pg of DNA per nucleus in G1.
During S phase the DNA replicates, so every nucleus will contain double the normal amount of DNA that was present in G1. Therefore, at the end of S each nucleus would have 16 pg of DNA.
During G2 the cell continues growing and preparing for mitosis, but DNA content does not change: there are still 16 pg per nucleus.
Meiosis creates four nonidentical daughter cells from one parent cell.
Mitosis produces TWO identical daughter cells from one parent cell. This one is vice versa, Sexual reproduction occurs much more SLOWLY than asexual reproduction. Asexual reproduction occurs quickly. SEXUAL REPRODUCTION occurs when an egg cell is fertilized by a sperm cell.