Les systèmes fluviaux et les plaines inondables du Brésil, du Pérou, de l'Équateur, de la Colombie et du Venezuela, dont les eaux se déversent dans la Solimões et ses affluents, sont appelés "la haute Amazonie
My opinion:
I would say my neighbors share some of the same cultures, Christmas, Thanksgiving, Halloween (whatever you believe is a tradition). I certainly know we don’t share the same religion. Some believe in God and etc. some don’t. It’s better for everyone to share either the same or different culture. It is possible to share the same one.
South Africa has a lovely, temperate climate with plenty of sunny, dry days. The main factors influencing conditions are altitude and the surrounding oceans. The east coast is on the Indian Ocean, which has a warm current. The west coast is on the Atlantic Ocean with a cold current.
N = -17
Distribute first
then add 780 to both sides
lastly, divide by -48