Shells evolved from ribs. ... Turtles and other shelled creatures use shells like shields to protect themselves from predators, or animals that hunt them. Turtles probably needed a shield on their backs and stomachs because they faced predators in the ocean from both above and below.
We’ll all characters have to have a ending so yeah they have to pass away
In the opening sentence of the story the author states that "you were always a gambler" and you, "took chances." This shows that the main character is willing and able to take any and all risks necessary in order to escape slavery. This sets the tone for the type of person that the main character strives to be. The text foreshadows more to describe the main character being on a wooden ship.
Well, the poem evolves around settings such as twilight, dusk, fire, plants, and birds. I would personally say the meaning behind it could vary between physically dark occurrences that aren't viewed as a true form! ( if ya get what I'm sayin)