Hi there, so when convincing someone to do anything either for you or for someone, you are going to want to appeal to their sense of logos, pathos, and ethos. Logos is logic which is usually the facts on why they should do this, pathos is using emotions to persuade someone to do something, and ethos is using the sense of right and wrong on someone and they know what is right and what is wrong. Now knowing this information, you can appeal to their logos or logic by saying, "About 95% of shelters that are donated too have helped to save an animal and help find them a home." This appeals to their logic because of its facts and makes them think about it. Appealing to their pathos can be, "Think about the animals, they don't deserve to be on the streets and think about how happy they will be when the shelter finds them a home." This would appeal to your classmate's feelings on how the animal really would be happy with that one donation. Appealing to their sense of right and wrong can be, "Remember when you got Sparky, how happy he was when you rescued him? Now you can help save other animals too." They would know that it is the right thing to do and they would 90% donate money to the abandoned animals. Hope this helped, if you have questions please ask!
AL means to be part of. When you add the suffix "al" to "fiction," you get "fictional."
This means to be part of fiction, which means to be fake/made up.
the rise of sea levels in coastal areas
Henry's charactrization by the author in Red Badge of Courage is done through the thoughts Henry has. He is always referred to as "the Youth," and what he feels and thinks is narrated, unless he is engaged directly in a dialogue. He is the main character of the book and the novel tells his growth from an immature teenager to a war-weary adult.
I’m not understanding the question exactly