The coordinating conjunction in the sentence is NOR.
There are only seven coordinating conjunctions. Remember the terms FAN BOYS in relation to coordinating conjunctions.
F - for
A - and
N - nor
B - but
O - or
Y - yet
S - so
Coordinating conjunctions connect words, phrases, and clauses. Giving equal emphasis on two main clauses.
Here are the patterns for using coordinating conjunctions:
1) connecting two main clauses
main clause + coordinating conjunction + main clause
2) connecting two items
item + coordinating conjunction + item
3) connecting three or more items in a series
item + item + coordinating conjunction + item
No clue i j j j j g fav. j j x. j. n g s hugs. jngxdc bcdc. nbggb. aging. ljtgb bcbhbb
Elisa has a bad relationship with her husband Henry. Henry doesn't appreciate Elisa's femininity and sexuality. She grows the chrysanthemus as they were her children. However, her encounter with the tinker reawakens her sexuality and gives her hope. Her realization that her life is not going to change is real whe she sees the flowers thrown on the road.
Similes: "She loved to luxuriate in the presence of this man. and to feel - almost as a sunbather feels in the sun." <span>
Alliteration: "The room was warm and clean, the curtains drawn." </span>