My older sister has many responsibilities
The correct answers are:
- Padres.
- Abuelo.
- Tío.
- Nuera.
- Yerno.
- Sobrina.
- Padrastro.
- Media hermana.
This is vocabulary that refers to relatives and family relationships. It would be translated as follows:
- Padres - Parents
- Abuelo - Grandfather
- Tío - Uncle
- Nuera - Daughter in law
- Yerno - Son in law
- Sobrina - Niece
- Padrastro - Stepfather
- Media hermana - Half sister
These words do not usually change from one country to another. However, it is important to consider that, at least in Latin America, the words for "in laws" are not necessarily linked to marriage. In that sense, you can be the son in law (yerno) of your girlfriend's parents.
1)¿Cuántos lápices hay en su mochila roja?
2) ¿ de quién es el papel blanco? ¿Es de Lupe?
Are value judgments relative? why?
Also that last word i think is spelled wrong if it is suppose to say why. It is spelled porque.
i hoped that helped you