When considering Job's friend's approach, first, one must take into account Job's current situation. He had lost all of his sons, his wealth, his health, and probably the respect of others around him and his friends did little or nothing to ease his pain. For example, when trying to comfort him, Bildad, said that if Job's son died, its because they were sinners or evil men and they deserved to die. Eliphaz hinted that Job was not a righteous man, and he was being punished by God, who doesn't value the good actions of his servants.
When reading their full speech, one can see how they not only failed to ease Job's suffering, but also contributed to increase it. Blaming him from his suffering, blaming god, or insinuating that god was cruel. A god that Job deeply believed in. If one could say that they did at least something right is that they stopped Job from feeling sorry of himself. And when the last of his friends Elihu stepped in he helped him to see the bigger picture. And how he could still be a good man, and be suffering, because he was not perfect, and he could make mistakes.
A better approach could have been starting with kind words, feeling truly sorry for his loss, helping him to see that his sons had no blame in what happened, and that god could still be there to support him. And when the time was right, help him to stop feeling sorry of himself, in a kind but strong way, as Elihu did.
To understand the end of Reconstruction, it's important to take the following facts into account:
- 1872: The General Amnesty Act was passed by the Congress. This act removed restrictions placed upon Confederate officials.
- 1873: the Fourteenth Amendment was scarcely interpreted in the Slaughterhouse cases. This meant that state law was violationg individuals' civil rights.
- 1875: The Civil Rights Act of this year, which allowed black people to be part of a jury and which didn't allow racial discrimination in public places, was eventually not enforced.
- Finally in 1876 the idea of the Reconstruction was left aside by both parties and in 1883 the Civil Rights Act was declared unconstitutional.
All of these reasons, caused the end of the Reconstruction and made Republicans forsake black people, finally causing the infringement of civil rights and full segregation.
if this is about the book in the rapids, he swims toward a boat so that he could be saved.
https://quiz izz.com/admin/quiz/5d8d2460bdff85001ab867e4/into-the-rapids-plot-and-perspective
good luck :)
i hope this helps
have a nice day!
The rights to the coal were sold and land was set aside for the town to be built upon.
The town of Dawson originated when the rights to the coal was sold and land was set aside for the town to be built.
This transaction was done in 1901 as John Barkley Dawson sold his coal land to the Dawson Fuel Company and which they built the connecting town to Tucumcari
I believe Reverend Hale? Correct me if i’m wrong!