The coup was the culmination of a conflict between the old and new political, economic, and social orders that had been under way since Gorbachev had risen to power in 1985. His perestroika and glasnost reforms had set in motion forces that were bound to collide at some point.
The Cold War began 1947 and ended 1991. Communism began in in the mid-1800’s and eventually ended in the 1990’s
The spread and enhancement of Enlightenment Ideas can be accredited to Salons hosted by women like Madame Geoffrin. Philosophers, authors, and economists would go to these Salons and exchange ideas of the economy and government. The salons would become "public spheres" which was recognized by Jürgen Habermas' The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere. Women's rights got a huge boost as women could learn from the philosophers inside the Salons.
I think he meant he had absolute power because he has the power over all the state