A word with connotative meaning is a word that has more than one meaning as used in a sentence.
In "The child is not dead," Jonker writes the child grown to a man treks through all Africa." Some of the connotative meanings of treks are journeys and wanders.
To trek is to move some distance from one place to another
Jin Wang
Chin-Kee/The Monkey King
Wei-Chen Sun
You have to write about the nature of human being means how cruel they are
The personality traits Juan and Seker share in the above excerpts are: They both intelligent and smart
In the “Excerpt From The Most Beautiful Place In The World”, Juan who is a boy who lives with his Grandmother in Guatemala. He is very smart that he is going to pass first grade after 2 months to enable him go straight to second grade. Juan is showing he is Intelligent while in the “Excerpt From Seeker," it’s about a 16 year old boy named " Seeker" who wants to be a Noble Warrior instead of being a Teacher like his Father. Seeker is also very intelligent because he is the top student in his school.