Large and small states fought over representation in Congress. Large states favored representation by population, while small states argued for equal representation by State.
The "Great Compromise" allowed for both by establishing the House of Representatives, which was apportioned by populations, and the Senate which represented the states equally.
It was a respectful petition to King George III was to declare their right to approve laws passed by the parliament.
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The number of times money goes from one organization to another is the other wise known as the velocity of money.
New constitutions ended many social distinctions and abolished slavery.
Welp at the battle of Guilford Courthouse on March 14, 1781 sam 1900 British soldiers under Cornwallis went on the offensive we can screens 4400 to 4500 content all groups militia the vinyl range for about two hours before green ordered his troops to retreat giving the British a tactical victory for enabling greens or me to remain mostly intact more than 25% of Cornwallis his men were killed wounded or captured during the battle one British statesman Charles James Fox said that the result was another such victory would ruin the British army