There’s a saying in brain science based on the work of Donald Hebb: neurons that fire together, wire together. The more they fire together, the more they wire together. In essence, you develop psychological resources by having sustained and repeated experiences of them that are turned into durable changes in your brain. You become more grateful, confident, or determined by repeatedly installing experiences of gratitude, confidence, or determination. Similarly, you center yourself increasingly in the Responsive, green zone – with an underlying sense of peace, contentment, and love – by having and internalizing many experiences of safety, satisfaction, and connection.
1: I bought a badminton set for my sis
2:I choose it because my sis is a player and she would love it
3: I bought it from Milinium(toy shop), Karachi.
Can your answer my question the drag and drop
Creating the basic shape of it. You might want to "advance the shape" and make any edits in the second draft and do the same for the third if necessary and then if you're satisfied create your final piece