The Renaissance, that is, the period that extends roughly from the middle of the fourteenth century to the beginning of the seventeen century. Which was around the time of Greek and Roman theories
washington showed that the federal government had the strength to enforce its law; his reaction attracted supporters to the federalist cause.
Naturalistic intelligence refers to a person's interest in the “natural” world of animals, plants, and the natural work around them. It is the ability to identify and classify patterns in the natural environment. Individuals with naturalist intelligence have a sensitivity to and appreciation for nature.
A naturalist is someone who studies the natural world. Naturalists observe the relationships between organisms and their environment and how those relationships change over time. One of his most famous examples of a naturalist is Charles Darwin.
Therefore, in naturalistic works, characters may be dominated by their environment or struggle to survive. A good example of naturalism is John Steinbeck's The Grapes of Wrath. Initially, Jobs are instinctive animal, trying to survive against the powerful forces of society and nature.
Learn more about Naturalistic here
Your answer is D the stock market crash.
Chile es un país rico en recursos naturales, con una cultura variada y ubicado en el fin del mundo. Cuenta con una historia de doscientos años desde sus inicios, pero para lograr lo que somos hoy en día se debió pasar por diversas etapas que marcaron nuestra actual identidad.
Desde el comienzo cuando el continente fue descubierto por el reino de España en la conquista, durante el siglo XVI se estableció una colonia en manos de Pedro de Valdivia bajo el virreinato del Perú. Frente a estos hechos basaremos nuestro ensayo, en el cual analizaremos y explicaremos la organización política colonial junto con sus derivadas administraciones y de esta manera proceder a hacer una comparación con el sistema de los años posteriores a la …ver más…