A - Backed by real wealth
It was forgotten in it's time because no one cared about being civil and listening to what EVERYONE wanted and being at peace with one another. They thought fighting in a war would help them simmer their dispute. Today, we don't fight over lands and things as much as we used to. While South America and North America are still fighting, *not in a huge war* it's not the same as it was then.
United States enters World War I.
World War I ends.
Congress ratifies the Eighteenth Amendment.
General public begins to oppose the Eighteenth Amendment.
On January 16, 1919, the United States ratified the Eighteenth Amendment to the Constitution was introduced, introducing Prohibition. Prohibition was a confrontation between conservative Protestants and catholics who did not see sin in drinking. Society was stratified into “dry” and “wet,” social contradictions intensified to the highest point. The long-term period without alcohol is widely covered in American culture, which saw in dry law one of the main symbols of the era. Back in 1914, 12 states introduced a prohibition on the production of alcohol on its territory. At the same time, President Woodrow Wilson spoke out against any restrictions, vetoing anti-alcohol laws.
I honestly think it was a moving period in American history. African Americans, though treated inhumanly, chose to respect the lives of others and held marches, and non-violent protests against white law. Meanwhile, you have a band of white Americans creating the Klu Klux Klan to invoke terror and use violence to scare the Colored Americans into doing what they want, to remain below them.