her sand castle was not gonna stay up for long, the waves were coming towards her castle, so it would be destroyed.
Dickens began writing Oliver Twist after the adoption of the Poor Law of 1834, which halted government payments to the able-bodied poor unless they entered workhouses. Thus, Oliver Twist became a vehicle for social criticism aimed directly at the problem of poverty in 19th-century London. Facts Matter.
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D. A thesis statement should on one sentence clearly point out what will be discussed in the essay
Well, although the most prevalent example right now is of course the coronavirus pandemic, events like this have happened all throughout history. Think of the Black Death: it swept through Europe, killing tens of thousands and pretty much ending the system of feudalism. Though in modern times these pandemics have less potential to upend systems, they remain game changers. The H1N1 epidemic - the Spanish flu - sent shockwaves throughout the globe because of its scope and lethality.