Demand characteristics bias(a type of response bias)
Demand characteristics bias occurs when participants in an experiment become aware of the hypothesis being tested and try to align their answers to support the hypothesis. When participants in research are aware that the answers they would produce to questions asked would make them seem bad, they might produce dishonest answers that would have a skewed effect on the research.
The type of bias displayed by these participants who produced samples of beautiful, legible handwriting was based on the fact that they knew the hypothesis being tested and wanted to prove by their actions that the hypothesis was true. This made them produce samples that were not a true reflection of their personalities. This would definitely affect Naveen's research.
I believe the answer is Cuba
US government-funded Freedom House classifies Cuba as being "Not Free", and notes that "Cuba is the only country in the Americas that consistently makes Freedom House's list of the Worst of the Worst: the World's Most Repressive Societies for widespread abuses of political rights and civil liberties."
The first one is the correct one
Some criticisms that have been leveled at psychodynamic theories of personality are the reliance on early childhood familial experiences that come up later in life and too much emphasis on explaining how sexuality messes with behaviors.
A: a form or system of rule