The original purpose of dropping atomic bombs were to, instead of sending in troops, drop an atomic bomb on your city of choice and wipe out everyone in a mile's radius. That is the short term effect. But the long term effects include nuclear radiation which poisons people in a much larger radius, while contaminating the environment for an extended period of time.
Hope this helps!
The answer is D. Large Reputation
All the other listed points exist
Hope this helps <3
Good luck!
The best answer is option C. This option is the one that includes the information given in the original sentence, but summarized (avoiding giving extra information about what marine algae are, or using complicated grammatical structures.)
Option D is quite short, but summarizes the main idea of the original sentence without giving any extra information at all.
None of these two options (C and D) change the overall meaning of the original sentence, but one of them (C) gives the reader more information about the points mentioned in the original sentence ("<em>more than all of the earth plants and trees combined</em>"), different from the other option (D) which goes straight to the point thorugh the use of a simple sentence.
while no options are provided here:
the fundamental difference between the Soviet Union and the USA was that the Soviet union was a communist state while the usa was capitalist state. In terms of freedoms and liberties, the soviet union did not guarantee liberties in line with the concept of ploretariat dictatorship. In terms of governance, the soviet union was an authoritarian regime while the USA was a democracy. in terms of religion, the soviet union crashed on the freedom of its people to worship, in line with Marx assertion that religion is the opium of the masses while The USA did not.
Originally it referred to only white men, but today it includes all people and races
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