A blog explaining how to build a skateboard ramp
The three other options reveal a motive other than to inform.
The first option is intended to recruit volunteers.
The third option is intended to further agenda (the construction of a new community theater)
The fourth option is intended to entertain.
Only the second option, a blog explaining how to build a skateboard ramp, is motivated by a desire to inform readers.
The central idea of this paragraph is:
D) Elizabethans faced a variety of challenges in staying healthy.
This paragraph concerns the varied and terrible challenges people who lived in Elizabethan England had to face constantly. <u>It was not only the case of worrying about one specific disease. They were constantly bombarded with several types of diseases, killed by viruses and bacteria. And that was not all. They were also killed in acts of violence and frequently got hurt while working. This paragraph, thus, shows us that staying healthy in Elizabethan England was a most difficult task. No wonder even young people died in great numbers. Their notion of hygiene and safety back then was far inferior when compared to ours.</u>
francesa uses oil paints, but martion prefers watercolors
They are in different tenses
It has been frequently and rightly remarked that the Crito is unique among
Plato’s dialogues insofar as its primary concern is what Socrates ought to do.
Most interpreters assume that Socrates ought to do what seems best to his reason (Cr 46b3-6); thus, most interpretations defend the rationality of obedience
or disobedience. On my account, it is not at all obvious that Socrates ought to
do what seems best to his reason. On my account, Socrates does not do what
seems best to his reason because he does not reason about whether he should
obey the laws; he simply obeys the laws. Doubtless, this claim seems counterintuitive to many; after all, does not Socrates articulate and defend his reasons
for remaining in prison from 49c to 54c? Is it not the cogency of Socrates’ reasons
for remaining in prison that have been so thoroughly debated in the scholarship summarized below? My answer to both of these questions is ‘no.’ Perhaps
counter-intuitively I claim that the reasons for remaining in prison, from Crito
49c to54c, are not Socrates’ reasons; they are the arguments of the speaking laws
of Athens