<em>Hello There. The scenes are is The Protagonist, CONOR O’MALLEY, is introduced waking up from a NIGHTMARE. He sneaks into Mum’s bedroom and goes to sleep with her. MUM is very far along with her cancer but neither of them lets it interfere with their very close relationship.
<em> GRANDMA is introduced and she is very professional and “un-grandmotherly” which makes the relationship between her and Conor strained. She seems to struggle more with Mum’s illness than Conor appears to.
<em>Mum is seen for the first time fully awake and out of bed. She tells Conor Grandma will be helping them for a few days then Conor denies they need help.
<em> Conor walks to school and looks in an ART SHOP window and sees PENCILS he obviously wants. He avoids his friend, LILY.
<em> Once at school, Conor is bullied by HARRY. Harry makes a comment about Mum and Lily tries to help but Conor still avoids and ignores her.
<em>Class with MR. CLARK. The class is watching a boring childbirth documentary and Conor’s attention begins to drift. Mr. Clark starts to try to help Conor with coping but stops just short.
<em> Conor returns home and helps Mum put together an old Super 8 projector and they start to watch an old black and white version of King Kong. Mum falls asleep but Conor watches until the end.</em>
<em>why i included the scenes? because it makes sences of the scene. and sorry i can't put the whole scenes to this....</em>
Hope it helps! .ω.