Wilson's 14 points were far more radical than the outcome of the Paris Peace Conference. The 14 points set specific barriers to prevent a future war and maintain peace, while the Paris Conference only offered temporary mediation.
- Composition of the Reconstruction Governments
After the north won the war, the president requires the southern states to fill a certain amount of Quota for Minorities to fill in the Government representative seat.
-- Many northern citizens move to the southern side after the war and bringing northern ideology with them.
The Federal Government's first entry into transportation was National Road (b). The Federal Government was concerned with the speed at which goods were transported from their source to their destination. Goods were primarily transported overland by horse and rider. They were transported along the waterways by ships and sail boats. The first road that the government funded was the Boston Post Road. It was built to increase the speed of the delivery of mail. The Boston Post Road was constructed between New York City and Boston.
The Declaration of Independence was organized into five distinct segments with each segment addressing a particular issue.