The physical training must always be in accordance with the personal goals or objectives of the physical conditioning.
When a person does not have the discipline of training but does not respect the ideal loads for this lack of discipline, overloading the muscle fiber, it can enter possible tears, tendinitis, injuries and even severe pathologies such as rhabdomyolysis.
The overload and the FITT principle are related in that in order to load the overload or reach muscle failure without injury, it is necessary to have the necessary aerobic capacity and the accustoming of this type of training by the muscle in a progressive way.
The overload is widely used in those people where they really have to undergo heavy loads or do bodybuilding since the overload generates hypertrophy of the muscle and shortening, making it more noticeable or with more toning and less elongation since it is a concentric contraction. which is done in overload activities.