He would have faced strong opposition from other political figure heads who were against the expansion of the rights of African Americans, making his Presidency much more challenging that it already was.
Considering that nowadays, the KKK isn't very popular in todays society. ever since Martin Luther king, people have seen racicism as bad. Martin showed people that African Americans are humans too, other activits have also proved this. The KKK eventually lost follwers and their rights to harm people of another race. There were laws put in place to stop assult or racism against the KKK.
Style of fighting
One major difference between the Korean War and the Vietnam War was the style of fighting: “The Korean War was characterized by short bursts of fighting whereas Vietnam tended to be long and drawn out."
He would paint about the same thing, I don't think anything has changed.
This world is messed up
After the Civil War,immigrants again began to stream to united states. Between 1870 and 1900, nearly 12 million immigrants arrived. more foreign-born people than had come to the country in the preceding 70 years.during the 1870s and 1880s, the majority came from Germany, Ireland, and England.