Tennessee's partner chronicles and inexplicable bond between two men, Tennessee and partner, both crude, unfettered mining camp l men. the basis for their bond is never explained, but it's durable strength is revealed in the fact that their friend while survives a breach of its faith: after Tennessee runs off with his partner's wife, he returnes to Sandy bar and is welcomed back by his friend with out rancor or resentment. theirs is a friendship that transcends marriage tirs- at least for the protagonist, Tennessee's Partner.
It represents Lady Macbeth's malaise and guilt awakening and driving her to insanity. In this scene, she "sees" blood on her hands, a metaphor for her guilt, and it cannot be washed off- the sin cannot be undone. After this scene, Lady Macbeth's strength runs out and is overcome with guilt to the point that she commits suicide.
You should start with a good hook, then from a very broad topic narrow it down to your thesis. Write three body paragraphs in which each one gives a supporting detail to your thesis supported by more details, preferably ones from newspapers and other reliable sources. Finally, end with a concise conclusion that sums up everything in the first paragraph, but rewritten. Please mark Brainliest!!!