it's my favorite Chinese song
(≧▽≦)( ╹▽╹ )
My teacher once said that there are two ways to live forever. One: to have children. And two: to write a book. Books are a beautiful thing often overlooked. As your quote said, "[Books] stitched the patches of the universe together into one garment for us." It's not necessarily the book that's being spoken about - it's the author. The author is the one who has written this compilation of ideas and information onto their pages. Books are where we've gotten our knowledge of centuries ago, of thousands of miles away. There is no other way that we could have gotten the knowledge of the past than through books.
family love
Juliet's soliloquy was about family love.
a) something powerful and threatening
World War and communism brought diverse sections together as a common threat. Nothing pleasant or funny in this excerpt.
The essay is centered around climate change