Because the art reflects what was going on in that era
Hmm. Well, if your thinking of the same time in history that I am...than I believe that the Americans put education at a high place in their lives. For the girls, well, they were going to get married off anyway. So why bother with their education, they were just taught how to keep house. The boys were sent to school if their parents believed that it was okie dory for them. But, if the child's parent was a farmer or something like that. Than they were more likely to stay and home. And learn the trade of their Father.
Nowadays, education is held in the highest respect. If you want a good, well paying job in your life. Than a good, solid education is the way to go. The only way to go. Collage is expected from graduates now it seems. But maybe that's just me. But, people all have their own views on education. Some find it important, and others could care less.
The Dutch East India Company had a mission to explore North America's rivers. Dutch explorers were asked to claim unclaimed areas. The dutch explorers claimed and named the province of New Netherland which was the first Dutch colony in North America. New Netherland was part of what now is New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Connecticut, and Delaware.
A griot jali or jeli is a West African historian, storyteller, praise singer, poet and/or musician.
Europeans invaded Africa with the purpose of instilling Christianity into natives as well as introducing western ideas in education, medicine, hygiene, and monogamous marriage. The colonization of Africa was also of commercial interest. Africa provided European manufacturers with cheap labor, raw materials, and a ready market to purchase their products