1. The person's hands, after touching the raw meat and not washing their hands; The knife, when they used the same knife to cut raw meat then proceeded to cut vegetables and fruit.
2. They could have washed their hands, the knife the counter and cutting board in between uses.
3. The school should provide specific instructions to the substitute. These will show how/when to wash the materials.
4. You would have to thoroughly wash all materials to ensure no food poisoning happens.
Healthy body image is more than simply tolerating what you look like or “not disliking” yourself. A healthy body image means that you truly accept and like the way you look right now, and aren't trying to change your body to fit the way you think you should look.elf-esteem affects how you take care of yourself, emotionally, physically and spiritually. When you have healthy body image, you feel comfortable about your body This can mean not eating or sleeping enough, staying away from friends and When you're around people and things that make you feel good, you're less
Your body image may not be accurate. Many people think they are overweight or underweight when they are not. Poor body image is often linked to dieting, over-exercising, or eating disorders. Frequent dieting can affect your mental and physical health.
sports anemia is a false anemia and a beneficial adaptation to aerobic exercise, caused by an expanded plasma volume that dilutes red blood cells.
Resting heart rate will be decreased, because your heart and cardiovascular system are being worked out, therefore increasing the muscle tissue within the heart and thereby making it stronger, which makes it beat more powerfully and yeah. So Resting heart rate is the correct answer
Cancer because of the constant use of them and the niccotine inside as well as the numerous types of poisons inside the ciggerette and the smoke.