you have to use an Apgar Scale
The correct answer is e. dermis
Lymph capillaries are thin walled capillaries interwoven with blood capillaries and found throughout the body except nervous system, bone marrow, and tissues that do not contain vascular tissue like epidermis.
The role of lymphatic capillaries is to collect the extra fluid which is secreted by the tissues in the intercellular spaces. This fluid is called lymph and is clear and transparent and contains WBCs and plasma.
Lymph is different from blood because it do not contain RBCs and platelets. Lymphatic vessels are important part of body immunity because it contains many WBCs in their lymph helpful in fighting diseases.
This quote means people take advantage of things that are right in front of them instead of cherishing the beauty of the moments that are passing. We use it to our own benefit instead of valuing the real reason of being on this planets
Bradypnea is the term for when someone's respiratory rate is below the normal for their age.
3.Medicate the infected area to the best of your abilities