Situational attribution
John is blaming his performance on environmental factors beyond his control. This is <em>situational attribution</em>.
Dispositional attribution would assign the cause to some character trait John has.
Fundamental attribution relates to the way an outside observer assigns causes in the situations they observe. Often, they overemphasize dispositional attribution.
Its C i have been in civic this whole year
Encoding Failure refers to the brain's occasional failure to create a memory link.
No, water is not wet, in fact, it is scientifically proven that water is not wet itself but it makes other materials wet when it sticks to the surface of them.
Extrinsic motivation is the desire to behave in certain ways to receive external rewards or avoid threatened punishments. Some circumstances that might help you to distinguish this is if you feel overwhelmed about finishing an assignment before its due date or if you are excited for the rewards that come from you doing well.