DescriptionDéjà vu is the feeling that one has lived through the present situation before. The phrase translates literally as "already seen". Although some interpret déjà vu in a paranormal context, mainstream scientific approaches reject the explanation of déjà vu as "precognition" or "prophecy". #answerwithquality #BAL
Antonyms are the opposite meaning of that word.
Antonyms for arrogant include:
Humble, modest, shy, timid, and meek.
2, 4, and 5
1. In an emergency operation, a Jehovah’s Witness
patient is given a blood transfusion.
2. Paula does not speak English, and the clinic she
visits does not have an interpreter.
3. Gina, a nurse, gives a hug to Pauline, an elderly
French woman.
4. Ahmed, a Muslim patient is served chicken soup.
5. Gansho, a Buddhist, is served steamed fish.
<u>The fourth principal part, as the perfect passive participle, is an adjective. Usually just the masculine nominative singular is given. The complete forms are: -us, -a, -um.
<u>N.B.: intransitive verbs do not have a regular 4th principal part (because they can’t be made passive); this includes the verbs that take a dative (noceō, pāreō, etc.)
<u> Some are listed as –tum/-sum, which is the supine.
<u> Some have forms in -tūrus/-sūrus (e.g. sum – futūrus; veniō – ventūrus; fugiō – fugitūrus), which is the future active participle
<u> Some have no fourth form: (e.g. timeō – –; noceō —)
Ptolemaic dynasty occurred closest to the Common era. This era lasted from 305 BC to 30 BC.