The fastest growing region in the United States is the Southwest
Earth’s atmosphere is a mixture of nitrogen (79%), oxygen (20%), and a small fraction of carbon dioxide, water vapours and other gases. This makes the existence of life possible on Earth. However, the atmospheres on Venus and Mars mainly consist of carbon dioxide. The amount of carbon dioxide on these planets can range from 95% to 97%. This may be the reason no life exists on these planets.
The atmosphere of Venus is about 96 per cent carbon dioxide, with surface temperatures around 737 K (464 °C, or 867 °F).
Venus itself rotates only once every 243 Earth days.
Mars, in contrast, has a thin atmosphere composed of about 95 per cent carbon dioxide, with the remainder being mostly diatomic nitrogen.
Since this is old, im just gonna get these points, don't wan't them to go to waste
3. we would not exist because we are made of material that was recycled in galaxies.
If stars are randomly distributed in space, the elements like Hydrogen, Nitrogen, etc that releases when stars are dieing will not be close enough to come together to form a planet and thus lead to the formation of life on Earth.