Many times, even if someone lies to you initially you will eventually find out the truth. it is better to feel the initial hurt, then take the time to process the information and eventually health from it than to at first think everything is okay and then eventually find out something different.
That he's unsafe and mentally unstable.
In my case I’ll probably chose B
"The Gift of the Magi" is a short story written by American writer O.Henry thatwas first published in The New York Sunday World on December 10th, 1905.
The author uses symbolism all through the story, starting with the gifts. Christmas is the main symbol through the story, representing the 3 gifts that the Wise men brought to baby Jesus, but it also represents the true meaning of giving gifts, which is to sacrifice oneself in order of giving joy to someone we love. Della's grey cat represents loss of hope, sadness and having very little. On the other hand, gold symbolizes money, love and eternity. Money was what Della and Jim were lacking, eternity because gold does not rust over time, and love because by giving away his gold watch, Jim was able to afford a Christmas present for Della.
In order to complete this analogy, we have to look at the first pair of words first. An adverb is a word that modifies a verb, so we need to find the word that an adjective modifies. The correct answer is B. noun.