The political system of Central and Northern Italy was characterized by the city states great fragmentation and spirit of autonomy. This situation constituted an insuperable obstacle to any prospect of national unification and a serious barrier even to the formation of smaller state organizations such as the regional states into which Italy later consolidated.
This factor indeed stood them out.
The purpose of affirmative action is to establish fair access to employment opportunities to create a workforce that is an accurate reflection of the demographics of the qualified available workforce in the relevant job market.
Lind's experiments at sea tested some potential cures for scurvy. His experiments were important because he discovered the use of citrus fruit as a cure for scurvy. It ranks as one of the first clinical experiments in the history of medicine.
The major goals of the Soviet Union after World War were to ensure the security of the Soviet Union, the expansion of Communism beyond the Soviet Union, [ secure his position in world affairs and create of a Soviet empire.
What were Stalin's goals after WWII? Stalin's goals were to have all countries between Germany and the USSR to be under Soviet rule because they wanted to avoid future attacks. is keeping communism within its present territory through diplomatic, military and economic actions.