Turner's Syndrome:
-random error causes individual to have one X chromosome (the other could be mutated)
-female genitalia (external)
-ovaries do not function; no menstruation
-wide nipples, supes short, wide neck, scoliosis
-diagnosis at birth/ early childhood from heart problems or growth problems
-estrogen at 12,
-bad at math, memory, fingers
Factors that. Affect. Your Health Status.
Quality of the Environment.
Random Events.
Health Care.
Behaviors You Choose.
Quality of your Relationships.
Decisions You Make.
Many things affect wellness. There are eight aspects to your wellness. They are body, mind, environment, spirit, community, emotions, finances and work. Each can affect your quality of life.
Data across four dimensions – physical, mental, work and life - create one comprehensive and powerful picture for employees so they gain a clearer understanding of where their health is suffering.
His coach, so they can discuss times for practice that also leaves time for studying.
What is a sewerslide? is it like a sewer pipe?
Im guessing the answer is a because sometimes the air quality is not good for you to in hale