Caesar is one of the most, if not the most well known and famous Roman Emperors. He started off as a military general, and he showed great potential as such. The biggest military success of Caesar was the conquering of most of the territory where the Celtic tribes were living in continental Europe. Big portion of that territory was known by the Romans as Gaul, thus they used that term to identify numerous different Celtic tribes. Caesar played very well tactically when attacking the Celtic people, as he did not went into a full scale war with them, but was instead using surprise attacks on one tribe at a time, thus gradually conquering their territory. The word spread about this around Gaul, and the Gauls gathered a larger military in the short period of time they had, but it was too late. Caesar had already managed to defeat some of them, and had tactically superior military units, leading to eventual defeat of the Gauls and a great success for Caesar and Rome.
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The assimilation of Native Americans was a goal of the federal government.
During the late 1800's, the federal government had the goal of assimilating Native Americans into mainstream America. In this case, the government wanted Native Americans to act more like white farmers (which made up a majority of America). This resulted in several different laws and policies that would help enforce this idea. This includes the Dawes Act and the creation of Indian Boarding Schools.
Indian Boarding Schools were schools were Native American kids were sent to learn more about the English language, American culture, etc. Unfortunately, this system had many negative effects as it resulted in the destruction of some Native American cultures and languages.
The Us were able to find same Cuban products from other supplier countries, while the Cuban country had to find other suppliers.
Cuba was not able to develop a high commerce with the US and the surrounding countries were not necessarily the best ones to make business with. Cuba had the support from the former USSR until 1989 when it was dissolved. Russia continued helping but not at the same level or amount as before.