The idea of being self governed and united contributed (lead) to the democracy we have now.
The Mayflower Compact continued the idea of law made by the people.
This idea lies at the heart of democracy. From its crude beginning in Plymouth, self-government evolved into the town meetings of New England and larger local governments in colonial America.
Hope this helps, And also, I put some things you might need to know for civics.
The constitution is the highest law in the land, because all the other laws would have to fall under that one law/ rule.
The constitution begins with we the people because the US government exist for the people, by the people.
The Constitution protects the peoples rights. It also has seven articles and 27 amendments.
The first 10 amendments to the constitution are known as the “Bill of rights” -Protects the freedom for the people-
The first flag was called the confederate flag.
Confederation a group of independent states or nations united for a common purpose.
The articles of confederation the state retained most of the power, The government - no power the states - power.
The national government could not tax, which means there’s no money to run the country.
And there was no regulation of trade- no enforcement power, meaning no consistency.
No judicial branch- no courts to go to. Requires a unanimous vote to make changes- no separate Executive. No enforcement of power- people is states do what they feel Is needed
The first constitution accrued after the revolutionary war, The United States needed a type of government so we were not under a monarchy.
Shays rebellion- a postwar depression had left many small farmers Unable to pay their debts and threatened with mortgage fore closures. Shays rebellion was the fiercest out break of public discontent in the new Nation and demonstrated the weaknesses of the articles of confederation.
Constitutional convention-1787
Articles of confederation- our nations first constitution. Constitution is a rule book which examples how the government is set up. Starts with “we the people” Ratify- to give consent
Declaration 1: Grievances: Imposing taxes without our consent- Taxation without representation or consent.
In the Declaration of Independence “He” is referred to as the king “We” is referred to as the people “Us” is referred to as the people
We declared our independence July 4, 1776
When in conflict with another country the country that is in conflict have to tell the world so another country does not intervene between the conflict.
Abolish - meaning - end Role - meaning -purpose Oppressive - meaning - harsh and unfair Tyrannical-meaning- dictatorial and cruel.
Declaration 2: Preamble- Severing ties with other countries, but we have to let the rest of the world know. - A preamble is a introduction to the Declaration of Independence. The people should explain why they want independence before receiving.
Declaration of independence states the American theory of government which is based on John Lockes social contract and natural laws.
Unalienable rights is under natural law, a.k.a. “God-given rights” that CANNOT be taken away.
Akbar was one of the most appreciated kings of the mighty Mughal Empire. He was known to be a king who tolerated other religions than Islam. He tried his best to win the affection of his people and tried to support all kinds of religious beliefs and rituals. He even authorised the construction of several temples, during his reign. During his rule, the Hindus were allowed to holdranks in the empire. He believed in the policy of inclusion.