he feels as thou the sea is a place of uncertainty at one minute. The sea can be your friend and then the next minuet it can be an unexpected unforgiving murderer.
Explanation: He wants to talk to her about how he feel.
answer is no.
Let’s show how:
=> 32 is the product, now we need to find a negative item to be used as based
and exponent
=> -5 ^ 3 = -125 (not the answer)
=> -4 ^ 3 = -64 (not the number)
=> -3 ^ 3 = -27 (not the answer)
=> -2 ^ 5 = -32 (the answer is 32 but this is not a positive number but a
negative one , thus the answer is still NO.)</span>
It's not to bad once you start to understand it.
BTW I'm a sophomore