The correct answer is D.) Court clerks refusing to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples.
The definition of grassroots activism is a movement that is born out of the personal convictions of an individual or a group of individuals about a particular issue and that is not originated in the will of an established political movement or leader (s). It is considered that a grassroots movement is spontaneously created by the will of ordinary citizens who want to make their voices hear about a particular issue and although its later stages may involve participation of political groups or leaders, the initiative for its inception was the concerns of ordinary citizens. This answer is a direct reference to the case of Sandra Davis, a Kentucky country Clerk that refused to issue same-sex marriage licenses due to her own personal convictions and in the name of "religious liberty". Her initiative was purely personal and was not the result of organized political efforts.
Machine Guns
ww1 was all about using mustard gas and it was popularized before being banned after ww1 and ww1 was the first introduction to full auto machine guns similar to LMGs nowdays and trenches were created to prevent getting shot, gassed or sprayed down by enemies
C. Peers
Judy Rich Harris was a psychologist and researcher who criticized the famous saying that parents and family are mostly responsible for child de6.
She focused on the peer group and According to her, influences outside of the family are the main socializing agents that children have. And children are able to identify with their peers and mates better than adults or their parents.
The Vietnamese had expert guerrilla fighters